Sunday, January 01, 2023

Welcome Year 2023

 May God bless us all this year 2023.

A new days has begun. I will not think too much and leave the things I don't have control.

Looking forward to the new business venture. 

Stay postive and stay strong!

In USA 2023!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Australia 2019

Here I go again. I am now in Australia. Trying to know the culture and life in South Australia. Once again, I used Cebu Pacific Air. I am glad that they are now flying straight from Manila to Melbourne. For me, the service is good and recommendable. Thank God we arrived safely.

It is quiet fascinating to know that people I had to talk once I arrived at the Tuallamarine, Melbourne Airport were all courteous and easy to talk to. This is my first time in Australia and the places and people are all nice.

Melbourne Australia
Moreover, I need to transfer to another airline which was the Jetstar Air. I thank God for my parents they send us to school and we learn how to speak English which is the medium of conversation and their language. Everyone should study because people need to know how to communicate and know how to read instructions. Aside from, what you have learned is the key to your growth.

I am now enjoying my stay here for quiet a while now with my brother who helped me to have a pass here in his place where he lives now.I meet some of my countrymen who now permanently living in Australia. They were sharing to me their happy life and experiences they made in here.

For now, I will explore more the place and the beauty of Australia.

Have a wonderful day ahead!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Miss Universe 2018


Miss Catriona Gray
Miss Universe 2018

Philippine Pride

Girl is on fire!!

Once again, Philippines made a new comeback and inspiration. This country has a lot of  beauty, talent and creativeness that we may offer to the world. God bless you on your next step towards your dreams and advocacy. 

Monday, December 04, 2017

Simple inspiring Savings Tips

All people nowadays were talking about how to save money for the future. Well, I have some ideas or simple technique. 

What is Php 10.00 pesos to you? What can you buy from it? Ok, lets go on this way. Php 10.00 you may ride a share in a Jeepney. Therefore, you will reach your destination, right? Another is you can buy a 1 bottle soda, or 1 stick of cigarette or candy or a little merienda like "turon". Sometimes it is Php 15.00 already. What if you save it since it has a low value? Can we do it? This is simple technique, only "addition & multiplication" is what you need. Ten Pesos is almost nothing nowadays, right? If you drop & lost 10 pesos, you will not cry in vain. True right? So I will call it "Tapon" since we can easily deduct Ten Pesos from our pocket.

So, we will do our simple computation that may inspire us:

Php 10.00 a day x 365 days (1 year) = Php 3,650.00 (Not bad!! 10 pesos is nothing)

Let us say, our age is only 21.. young and energetic!! In 5 years, we have what? 

Php 3,650 x 5 years (age is 21, therefore we have how many?) 
= Php 18,250.00 

Wow!! that is without the power of compound interest!!

What if you do it in 10 years? So you have how much?? This is if you are still alive, because people die!! (Let us tackle that matter in my next topic).

Php 3,650 x 10 years (age is 21, therefore we have how many in 31 yrs of age) ?
Php 36,500.00!!

Again, this is without the power of compound interest! Amazing right?

Now, easier said than done, right. This is because we need discipline and goals. We need to learn more and dream. If you imagine how I started, it all began in "Tapon". Something that has a little value. So, meaning you can still think of some other ways of investments and savings scheme. There are saying that "Do not put all your eggs in one basket". Do not dwell too much or think of this things. Like planting, it will grow. You may add this simple ideas. No pressure!

Now here is another inspiring thoughts or ideas. Let say in 1 year you reach and do the happy thing savings, you have:
Php 3,650.00
But you enjoy and you are inspired for more because you want something in the future, like a new house, or a car, or a a new business, you added Php 1,000.00. (We will use 1,000 pesos example) 

So in the first year  Php 3,650+1,000 we  have Php 4,650.00. Wow! inspiring!

Now we draft it:

1st year  3650+1000 = 4650
2nd year 3650+ 4650 + 1000 = 9300
3rd year  3650+9300 + 1000 = 13,950
4th year  3650+ 13,950 +1000 = 18,600
5th Year  3650+ 18,600 + 1000 = 23,250.00

Wow!! We have 23,250 in our 5 years of savings the low value that we called "Tapon"!!! Isn't it amazing?? 

Inspiring? Now, this money is just a savings without the power of compound interest. If you put it in a bank since this is just "tapon", no need to worry about inflation rate. What I am emphasizing here is just a practice, discipline, dream and have a goal. Nothing more serious, but has purpose and someday you will benefit from it.

Now lets say a small business was offered to you, maybe you may use your Tapon Savings to do it. Or you want to use in stocks, another great idea. remember, this is just another egg that you did not put in one basket. 

Happy? Let us all be!

Have a great day ahead!

Saturday, November 25, 2017


The world is now changing. A lot of things can be accessed using internet. Shifting the marketing to online or social media is now the trend. All eyes are on the internet and windows to the other world were all presented in the tips of our hands.

New era has begun. A lot of ideas were being offered to human to succeed and to continue their lives. Imagine a farm being traded online. A business stocks can be easily accessed from a broker for a small amount. A coin being an income? Can you now imagine how easy it is if you learned how to do it? But for me, this kind of online business is not for everyone.
Some people chooses traditional over advance usage of technology. 

Moreover, it is up to us follow the trends and try the new things being offered in the online world. Advance technology will be the front liner someday. Therefore, everyone should be ready and adopt things little by little. Why not, try using smartphones and explore.

Be careful, stay alert, be curious.

Welcome Year 2023

 May God bless us all this year 2023. A new days has begun. I will not think too much and leave the things I don't have control. Looking...