Thursday, December 16, 2004

Power of Prayer

When things go wrong and the road gets rough, When you feel like
quitting `cause you've had enough,
When problems seem endless and no hope is in sight,
When all that you do turn out wrong and not right.
When you think no one else is worse off than you are,
When you feel no one's as pitiful as you by far;
Take a moment and pray, ask for your Father's advice,
You'll soon understand better as you realize,
It could be so much worse and then you start to see,
Things aren't as bad as they appear to be.
You've got a roof over your head and shoes on your feet,
While others are homeless, they live on the streets.
You've got food you can eat and clothes you can wear,
While others are starving, their bodies are bare.
You've got friends and a family with much love to give,
While many alone wonder why they will have to live.
You can see, you can hear, you can shout, you can talk,
While others are blind, they are mute, they can't walk.
Just remember those things you've forgotten about,
Remember the people you can't live without,
You may suddenly realize as these thoughts enter your mind,
It gets easier to leave all your troubles behind.
So next time something goes wrong and you find you get upset,
There's something that you should never ever forget.
Your Father has blessed you in generous ways,
He's always beside you; you need simply to pray.
He'll show you the way: He'll make you aware.
Just ask for His guidance, don't worry He'll hear,
Your problems will soon start to disappear.
Just don't lose faith, don't give up,
Know that He's always there,
And don't ever underestimate...

The power of prayer.

Welcome Year 2023

 May God bless us all this year 2023. A new days has begun. I will not think too much and leave the things I don't have control. Looking...