Monday, May 13, 2013

Philippine Election 2013 - A Positive Outlook

I hope and pray that this time we will have a true leaders that will change our country for better life. We often dream of a beautiful Philippines but it seems, a lot of people still don't want change. Some wants power, money and fame, while others really don't care. They just want to live. A lot of greedy people! whew!

We are part of this country so we need to take care of this and love our own nation. Let us continue to fight poverty. Let us move on and continue to protect our environment. Continue to dream and who knows someday Philippines will be like Singapore in terms of cleanliness, orderliness, organized transportation and safe environment. Let us practice discipline and be positive.

Let us help and rebuild our country and let start to change.

To God be the glory!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Singapore 2013

I have visited Singapore once again, for the third time. Another great experience living and talking to some people who live and  work in Singapore. For more than two weeks of stay, I saw once again how organized the place is. But rules keeps on changing including the work policy. If given a chance I loved to work in Changi Airport, I just don't know how. I love working in an airport or in an Airlines, that is my dream, well aside from having my own business. I love watching Airplanes taking-off. I don't know why.  Like this one: (Credit to the one who takes this picture and may I say thank you for posting.)

One of my dream is to ride in A380 Singapore Airlines. I know it is quite expensive but who knows someday I may experience it as well. :) I will just keep on dreaming and focus on my dreams in going to  different places like Canada, Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. There's a lot of good places and I may add South Korea, United States of America. I don't know how but I believe in my heart I can go there.

Changi Airport is really impressive airport. No doubt they are number 1.

I hope someday I'll be posting my picture in Canada or Germany or New Zealand here in my blog. :) Who knows?? Just believe in your heart.

Welcome Year 2023

 May God bless us all this year 2023. A new days has begun. I will not think too much and leave the things I don't have control. Looking...