Thursday, January 30, 2014

Beautiful and Pretty Smile.. In My Thoughts...

Beautiful people and with beautiful smile really is pleasing to the eyes. It can the inspiration and the apple of the eye. Some are really gifted from heaven above. Just a simple look into their eyes and all the  worries and long day pressure is gone. But such beauty can be dangerous. Some people can be out of control. One is not surrendering the things of the youth. The pain of accepting the reality that someday beauty will fade out. Can be depressing for some to know that physical features may change someday. Some say there is danger in beauty.

For me happy people are beautiful. If you are happy then smile, and you will be beautiful in the eyes of the other people. Beauty anyway is in the eye of the beholder. God created a unique beauty in each and everyone of us. Smile can refresh our mind and thinking and be thankful for the gift, the beauty and the capturing smile. 

to be continued.. I feel sleepy, it is getting late..

Welcome Year 2023

 May God bless us all this year 2023. A new days has begun. I will not think too much and leave the things I don't have control. Looking...