Monday, September 12, 2011

What will make us happy?

People nowadays do a lot things to make them happy. According to one person that I have talked to, the price of happiness is high. We all want happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction, right? But are we doing the right act to achieve it (including me)?

So to begin with what I want and be happy, I will share my personal strategy or what I should do.

  1. Is to be physically fit and healthy – I want to be healthy so I can do the things that I want. I want to have a regular exercise and eat the right food as much as possible. We have this saying that Health is Wealth. Go to the doctor once In a while or if needed. Knowing ourselves is better than we do not know at all
  2. A healthy and happy relationship or family. If you love the person then you will be happy. No perfect person as well as relationship but if there is love and God in relationship, I believe that it will go right. Challenges will arise, there is no doubt because it is part of life, But because we “love” we can find ways. Don’t you worry while searching, the energy & the power of universe will be there to help us. It is God's gift!
  3. A fulfilling job and non stressful work. Job is just a part of our life, not our entire life. I always believe that we can do things right and succeed if we do things right. Family and health is important, so we should bring balance. 
  4. Gratitude. Wake up in the morning & always feel good. Look at the beauty of what we have and thank the blessing that God has given & the blessings to come.
  5. Find time to relax. Travel and see the beauty of the world. Explore and learn from the other people ways. Don’t get the bad ones!
  6. Be positive. It is a must. Strive smartly to reach all the goals and what we want. Avoid negative people. Be inspired all the time.
  7. Thank God for all his blessing. God above all.

Always feel good. Smile and be happy.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Looking at the brightside of life

Wow! It has been a while and I am back to blogging again. Once again looking at the bright side of life. Thanking God for all the blessings and the happenings in my life whether it was bad or good one. It was a wonderful experience though somethings were not meant to happen.

Shifting gears again for a new challenges though this is a tough one. Am I ready! Yes of course!
Dream, move & act! Stay positive!!

Why I keep on thinking of her??  I hate this feeling. I think I like her. But She said I am elderly.. 

Magkikita din tayu muli..

So happy to be back in writing.

Welcome Year 2023

 May God bless us all this year 2023. A new days has begun. I will not think too much and leave the things I don't have control. Looking...