Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A New Hope. Singapore 2015

After a two weeks struggle, I moved up again in Singapore. Though I have a limited time staying here, a "New Hope" was born.

via Singapore Airlines From Dubai to Singapore 

Well, life is not easy here. Cost of living is high. I am very grateful to a cousin who offers his place so that I have a place to stay. That alone was a big help. I enjoy staying here. Everything is accessible. Transportation is very easy and you can count on them. Of course, sometimes there are problems they encountered but, that was unavoidable, like accidents on the roads.

Singaporeans are friendly people. We may not sometimes understand what they are saying when we buy something or ordering food and drinks, but in the end, all is well and we have a good harmony.  A lot of them are good in English too. Most of them are really disciplined when it comes to orderliness and cleanliness. I hope sometimes together with my kids, I may share the same experience in Singapore. Definitely I will be back for a visit again, but with my family. 

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